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Tired to find a way about how to eliminate, remove or delete words on string less than certain count in PHP?
someone say "I want to delete a words in strings where less than 3 character", or "what the best simple way to remove words less than two character in string".

Let me guess, may be you will used preg_replace like bellow to solve this problem?

$replaced = preg_replace('~\b[a-z]{1,2}\b\~', '', $yourstring);
$replaced = preg_replace('~\b[a-z]{1,2}\b\s*~', '', $yourstring);

Wich one will u use?  because someone say its work, and the others had say Not absolutely works, also Me have considered that way is not realy works.

PHP - How to remove, eliminate or delete words less than 3 character in string

I try with another way to fix this and I use EXPLODE, and STRLEN to the PHP script. example bellow:

$input='I try with another way to fix this and I use explode';
$pick=explode(' ', $input);
foreach($pick as $words) {

if(strlen($words) <= 3) {
} else {

$newinput.=$words.' ';

//you can use result as or for new string
echo $newinput;

Input : I try with another way to fix this and I use explode
Result : with another this explode
Eliminate Words less than 3 character : I, try, way, to, fix, and, I, use

Happy coding.

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